Simion, M. August 28-31. Keynote Speaker at the 5th Urbino Summer School in Epistemology: 4 lectures and 4 discussion groups on knowledge-first social epistemology. University of Urbino, Italy.
Simion, M. October 9-11. Knowledge and Disinformation. Academia Europaea Building Bridges 2023, University of Munchen, Germany.
Simion, M. November 14-15 2023. Conceptual Functions. Functional Hypotheses and the Engaged Point of View Conference, University of Nottingham, UK.
Simion, M. November 28. Positive Epistemology. Knowledge Resistance Workshop, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Carter, J.A. Knowledge, Aptness, and Intentional Action. BSTK Pacific APA Session, San Francisco, USA.
Field, C. Should Have Known? Symposium on Goldberg’s Foundations and Applications of Social Epistemology. University of Glasgow, UK.
Field, C. Normative Risk and Normative Recklessness. Cogito Social Epistemology Workshop. University of Glasgow, UK.
Field, C. Risk, Rationality, and Recklessness” Varieties of Risk Workshop on Risk Aversion and Normative Uncertainty. University of Stirling, UK.
Field, C. Rationality, Recklessness, and Transformative Experience. Varieties of Risk Workshop on Transformative Experience, University of Stirling, UK.
Field, C. Comments on Whiting’s The Range of Reasons: in Ethics and Epistemology”. Book Symposium organised by Davide Fassio,, Zhejiang University, China.
Field, C. Comments on Lasonen-Aarnio’s Feasible Dispositions: a Normative Framework” University of Glasgow, UK.
Field, C. Stop Digging: the Epistemic Value of Level-Incoherence. Keynote talk at SEECRs Conference on Applied Epistemology, University of Glasgow, UK.
Field, C. and Fratantonio, G. Do we need more varieties of risk? Varieties of Risk Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Kearl, T. Intentional action and skill proximity, Bled Epistemology Conference, Slovenia.
Kelp, C. and Simion, M. Sharing Knowledge: Precis and Reply to Critics, Book Symposium on my Sharing Knowledge, CUP, APA Pacific, San Francisco, USA.
Kelp, C., Pettigrove, G., and Simion, M. Group Responsibility Transmission. The Role of Knowledge for Responsible Decision Making in Organisations. University of Hamburg, Germany.
Mace, L. Question-Embedding and Questioning Attitudes. Cogito-Barcelona Knowledge and Language Workshop, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Mace, L. Bad Doubts. Philosophy Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Stirling, UK.
Mace, L. Starting and Stopping Inquiry. The Inquiry Conference, University of Glasgow, UK.
Simion, M. Knowledge and Disinformation. TimFest, University of Oxford, UK.
Simion, M. and Kelp, C. Functions in Conceptual Engineering. Glasgow-Barcelona 'Knowledge & Language' Workshop, Barcelona, Spain.
Simion, M. The Epistemology of Conceptual Engineering. Bled Epistemology Conference, Slovenia.
Simion, M. Politically Motivated Reasoning and Evidence Resistance. Collective Decision-Making Research Seminar, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Simion, M. Knowledge and Disinformation. Philosophy Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Simion, M. Positive Epistemology. The Epistemology of #BelieveWomen Conference, University of St Andrews, UK.
Simion, M. Knowledge and Disinformation. Arche Epistemology Seminar, University of St Andrews, UK.
Simion, M. Obligations to Trust. Trust and Trustworthiness Glasgow-Edinburgh Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Simion, M. and Kelp, C. The Epistemology of Conceptual Engineering. Bled Philosophical Conferences, Bled, Slovenia.
Kearl, T. Obstacles to knowledge, Stirling Philosophy Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Stirling, UK.
Kearl, T. Obstacles to knowledge, LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy, Barcelona, Spain.
Keral, T. Quality of thought, Lund-Gothenburg Responsibility Project, Lund University, Sweden.
Kelp, C. and Simion, M. Book Symposium on ‘Sharing Knowledge: A Functionalist Account of Assertion’ (with C. Kelp). Function-First Epistemology Conference, Fordham University, New York, USA.
Kelp, C. and Simion, M. Knowledge and Justified Credence. The Power and Limits of Rational Reflection Conference, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Kelp, C. and Simion, M. Knowledge and Justified Credence. British Society for Theory of Knowledge Meeting, Glasgow, UK.
Engineering Voting. GAP 11, Berlin, Germany.
Simion, M. Inquiry, Permissible Credence, and Permissible Suspension. Epistemic Explanations: Investigations into the Epistemology of Ernest Sosa. University of Miami, USA.
Simion, M. Knowledge and Disinformation. Cogito-LangCog Workshop, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Simion, M. Knowledge and Disinformation. Episteme Conference, Negril, Jamaica.
Simion, M. Politically Motivated Reasoning, Evidence Resistance, and Cognitive Malfunction. Bad Beliefs, Conspiracy Theories, Testimony and Resistance to Evidence GAP11 Satellite Workshop, Berlin, Germany.
Simion, M. Book Symposium on my 'Shifty Speech and Independent Thought', Concept, University of Cologne. Respondents: Peter J. Graham and Robin McKenna.
Simion, M. Resistance to Evidence. Young Academy of Europe.
Simion, M. Resistance to Evidence and the Duty to Believe. Rutgers Epistemology Conference 2022, New York, USA.
Simion, M. and Kelp, C. Justification as the Proper Route to Knowledge. APA Pacific BSTK Session, Vancouver, Canada.
Simion, M. and Kelp, C. What is Trustworthiness?. Philosophy Research Seminar, Open University, UK.
Simion, M. Epistemic Risks You Should Have Taken. The Social and Political Dimensions of Epistemic Risk Conference. University of Seville, Spain.
Simion, M. Resistance to Evidence. Nicod Philosophy Colloquium, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris.
Simion, M. Resistance to Evidence and the Normativity of Inquiry. Philosophy Colloquium, University of Warwick, UK.
Simion, M. and Kelp, C. What is Normative Defeat?. Jowett Society, University of Oxford, UK.
Simion, M. and Kelp, C. Justification as the Proper Route to Knowledge. Keynote Talk, European Epistemology Network Meeting 2022, Glasgow, UK.
Simion, M. Permissible Suspension. Keynote Talk at the British Society for Theory of Knowledge 2021 meeting, Glasgow, UK.
Simion, M. Talking to Social Robots. Communication with AI Workshop, University of Oslo, Germany.
Simion, M. Politically Motivated Reasoning. Talk Series on Conspiracy Belief, University of Bochum, Germany.
Simion, M. Conceptual Functions in Conceptual Engineering. ConceptLab Research Seminar, University of Hong Kong.
Simion, M. Resistance to Evidence. Colloquium in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Simion, M. Voting: A Constitutive Norms View. Political Philosophy and Methodology Working Group, University of Hong Kong.
Simion, M. The Ethics of Meaning Production. Conceptual Engineering Workshop, Universities of Bielefeld & Bochum, Germany.
Simion, M. Resistance to Evidence and the Duty to Believe. Departmental Seminar, University of Sheffield, UK.
Simion, M. Proper Suspension. Book Symposium on Ernest Sosa's 'Epistemic Explanations', Pacific APA, Portland, USA.
Simion, M. Engineering Evidence. Arche Conceptual Engineering Seminar, University of St Andrews, UK.
Simion, M. Knowledge First Social Epistemology. University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Simion, M. A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry. London School of Economics, UK.
Simion, M. The Normativity of Politically Motivated Reasoning. King’s College London, UK.
Simion, M. A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry. Visiting Speaker Seminar, University of Stirling, UK.
Simion, M. and Broncano-Berrocal, F. Disagreement, Knowledge-First. Disagreement Beyond Ethics and Epistemology Workshop, University of Kent, UK.
Simion, M. A Puzzle for the Normativity of Inquiry. Asian Journal of Philosophy Launch Conference, South Korea.
Simion, M. The Epistemic Normativity of Conjecture. Theoretical Philosophy Colloquium, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Simion, M. The Epistemology of Politically Motivated Reasoning. ‘Climate Justice, Risk, and Wellbeing’ Conference, COP26 UK Universities Innovation Showcase, Glasgow